Division Asset Options
Note: In order for this tab to be part of the Division form, the role of the logged-in user must include the Assets featureAccess to this feature activates the Asset check box in the Details tab of Add Item form and Edit Item form, it also activates the Asset icon at the Manage Items page, the Assets form at the Manage Items page, and the Assets > Asset Data option, which opens the Assets Data page. Furthermore, the asset lookups (Account and Condition) are activated at the Manage Lookups page. Edit access to this feature entails adding an asset-type item, adding an asset to an asset-type item, and adding an asset lookup (Account lookup and Condition lookup)..
Asset settings are tracked at the division level.

Reservation Order options:
- Reservation Auto-Numbering checkbox: when marked, the system automatically numbers and increments the reservation number at the Reservations page. When unmarked, the system will not assign a reservation number to the reservation; the user must enter a reservation number.
- Next Number field (required when activated): activates when the Reservation Auto-Numbering checkbox is marked; the next reservation number is found in this field (the beginning reservation number is automatically set at 70000). If this option is turned off and then turned back on, the next reservation number will reset to 70000. You may enter a different reservation number in this field.
- Prefix field (required when activated): activates if the Reservation Auto-Numbering checkbox is marked; it is a value that is placed in front of the reservation as a means of identification. The system default prefix value for reservations is RES. You may enter a different prefix value, if desired.
- Allow user to override reservations during check out checkbox: when marked, a reserved asset may be checked out to another assignee during the reservation period; when unmarked, a reserved asset may not be checked out to another assignee during the reservation period.

Maintenance and Calibration Order options:
- Maintenance and Calibration Auto-Numbering checkbox: when marked, the system automatically numbers and increments the maintenance and calibration number at the Maintenance and Calibration page. The user does not have to enter a maintenance or calibration order number when recording a maintenance order or calibration order for an asset at the Maintenance and Calibration page. When unmarked, the system will not assign a maintenance or calibration number to the order; the user must enter an order number.
- Next Number (required when activated): activates if the Maintenance and Calibration Auto-Numbering checkbox is marked; the next starting maintenance or calibration order number is entered in this field. The beginning reservation number is 80000. If this option is turned off and then turned back on, the next reservation number will reset to 80000. You may enter a different beginning reservation number in this field, if desired.
- Prefix (required when activated): activates if the Maintenance and Calibration Auto-Numbering checkbox is marked; it is a value that is placed in front of the reservation as a means of identification. The system default prefix value for reservations is MC. You may enter a different prefix value, if desired.
- Allow duplicate order numbers for maintenance and calibration checkbox: when marked, a Maintenance or Calibration Order number may be duplicated. When unmarked, the Maintenance or Calibration Order number must be unique; a duplicate Maintenance or Calibration Order number is not allowed.

Check Out Order options:
Note: If you use the Rapid Check In/Out feature, Check In order AND Check Out order auto-numbering must be used.
- Check Out Order Auto-Numbering checkbox: when marked, the system automatically numbers and increments the order number at the Check Out page. The user does not have to enter an order number when checking out an asset at the Check Out page. When unmarked, the system will not assign a Check Out number to the order; the user must enter an order number.
- Next Number field (required when activated): activates if the Check Out Order Auto-Numbering checkbox is marked; the next starting check out order number is found in this field, the beginning Check Out Order number is automatically set at 90000. If this option is turned off and then turned back on, the next order number will reset to 90000. You may enter a different starting order number in this field, if desired.
- Prefix field (required when activated): activates if the Check Out Order Auto-Numbering checkbox is marked; it is a value that is placed in front of the order as a means of identification. The system default prefix value for check out orders is CO. You may enter a different prefix in this field, if desired.
- Allow duplicate order numbers for check out checkbox: when marked, a Check Out Order number may be duplicated. When unmarked, the Check Out Order number must be unique; it may not be duplicated.
Note: The Allow duplicate order numbers for check out setting has implications in the IntelliTrack Mobile application since an order number is required. To facilitate asset check out scanning, we recommend that you allow this option so that multiple assets may be checked out simultaneously under one check out order number.

Check In Order options:
Note: If you use the Rapid Check In/Out feature, Check In order AND Check Out order auto-numbering must be used.
- Check In Order Auto-Numbering checkbox: when marked, the system automatically numbers and increments the order number at the Check In page. The user does not have to enter an order number when checking in an asset at the Check In page. When unmarked, the system will not assign a Check In number to the order; the user must enter an order number.
- Next Number field (required when activated): when the Check In Auto-Numbering checkbox is marked this field activates. The system automatically enters the beginning order number of 100000. If this option is turned off and then turned back on, the next Check In Order number will automatically reset to 100000. You may enter a different next starting Check In Order number in this field, if desired.
- Prefix field (required when activated): activates if the Check In Auto-Numbering checkbox is marked; it is a value that is placed in front of the check in order as a means of identification. The system default prefix value for check in orders is CI. You may enter a different prefix value in this field, if desired.
- Allow duplicate order numbers for check in checkbox: when marked, a Check In Order number may be duplicated. When unmarked, the Check In Order number must be unique; it may not be duplicated.
Note: The Allow duplicate order numbers for check in setting has implications in the IntelliTrack Mobile application since an order number is required. To facilitate asset check in scanning, we recommend that you allow this option so that multiple assets may be checked in simultaneously under one check in order number.

- Asset Auto-Numbering checkbox: When marked, the asset number is automatically generated by the system when adding a new asset. When off, the user must manually add the asset number.
- Next Number field: activates if the Asset Auto-Numbering checkbox is marked. The default value is 10000. If Asset Auto-Numbering is turned off and turned back on, this field will reset to 10000. You may enter another value in this field, if desired.

These settings are used to determine asset depreciation.
- Depreciation checkbox: mark this checkbox to turn asset depreciation ON for this division. When marked, this division will use asset depreciation and the Fiscal Year ends last day of setting and the Partial Month Convention settings are activated. When unmarked, depreciation is OFF for this division; the Fiscal Year ends last day of setting and the Partial Month Convention settings are not activated.
- Fiscal Year ends last day of: click the drop-down arrow and select the month that the company’s fiscal year ends from the list that appears.
- Partial Month Convention: Select the proper partial month convention for asset depreciation calculation:
- Full Month: Includes the entire month in the calculation of depreciation regardless of the day of the month the asset was placed into service. For example, if an asset was placed into service on the 17th of the month, that entire month will be included in the depreciation calculation.
- Exclude Month: Depreciation will start the month following the in-service date. For example, if an asset was placed into service on the 8th of May, the depreciation calculation will start with June 1st.
- Round Month: Assets placed into service prior to the 15th of the month will have that month included in the depreciation calculation; assets placed into service on or after the 15th of the month will not have that month included in the depreciation calculation. For example, if the asset was placed into service on the 8th of May, then the depreciation calculation will start with May 1st. If, however, the asset was placed into service on the 20th of May, the depreciation calculation will start with June 1st.